Step 3. Customize your Boomerang settings

Now that you've installed Boomerang and have a good idea of where everything is, let's go over how to customize Boomerang so that it fits in seamlessly with your workflow.

You can access your settings page by clicking the Settings button at the bottom of the Boomerang task pane. As a reminder, you can access the Boomerang task pane by selecting an email, clicking Boomerang, and then clicking Open Boomerang.

Customize email settings

To adjust the settings for our email productivity features (Boomerang, Send Later, Respondable, and Inbox Pause), you'll see the following options:

When messages are returned...

This setting allows you to specify how messages should appear in your Inbox when returned via Boomerang, to best fit in with your workflow:

  • Marked as unread
  • Flagged
  • At the top of your inbox - The Boomeranged message will be returned at the top of your Inbox. If not checked, it will be sorted chronologically according to when the original message was initially received.

Enable Respondable with advanced learning

This setting will enable Respondable's machine learning feature to take more advanced measures of your writing: Positivity, Politeness, and Subjectivity.

Customize meeting scheduling settings

To adjust the settings for our Meeting Scheduling features (Suggest Times, Send Later, Add Event), click on the calendar settings tab of the Manage Page:

On this page, you will be able to adjust the following settings:

Display name

The display name is what will be shown to recipients when they view a schedule or confirm a meeting you've initiated with any of the Boomerang Scheduling features.

Personal Scheduling URL

The Personal Schedule URL is the link for your Bookable Schedule hub: a web page that houses all of your Bookable Schedules for recipients to book different kinds of meetings on. You can edit the text after

Start of week

This setting determines what day of the week your Boomerang Scheduling calendars begin with:

Default meeting duration

You can choose a default meeting length of 30 or 60 minutes. This default will be selected when using Suggest Times or Bookable Schedule, but can of course be overridden at the time of set up.

Date & time format

This option lets you format dates and times to your liking. For dates, you can choose whether you want the month as a number or abbreviated text and before or after the day (e.g. Apr 25, 4/25, 25 Apr, 25/4). For time, you can opt for either the 24 hour format or the 12 hour format.

Custom messages

With this setting, you can customize the default messages that are prepended to each of your Suggest Times or Share Free/Busy images.

Default calendars

The following settings allow you to choose default calendars to use with Boomerang's Scheduling features, but can be changed at the time of use:

  • Select which calendars you'd like to sync - These are the calendars that will appear, and be referenced for availability, by default, when using any of the Boomerang Scheduling features. 
  • Default calendars to add events - This is the default calendar any event scheduled with Suggest Times or Bookable Schedule will be added to.

Want to schedule meetings with one of your coworkers or family members, but don't see it on this list? Check out Microsoft's help center article about how to share your calendar with someone.

Next: Try it out!

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