How to uninstall Boomerang

Before uninstalling Boomerang, you'll want to cancel all pending messages (Send Laters, Boomerangs, and Recurring Messages) manually on your Manage page to avoid receiving failure messages for any pending emails.

If you have a subscription plan, you'll want to make sure it is set to cancel (follow the steps outlined in this article, or email for assistance with cancellation).

Next, you'll need to remove our add-in and revoke permissions:

  • If you are on an,, or email address, please click here, and go to My Add-ins. Click on the "..." for Boomerang, and select remove to uninstall the add-in. Finally, revoke our permissions here.
  • If you are on an Office365 account, please click here, and go to My Add-ins. Click on the "..." for Boomerang, and select remove to uninstall the add-in. Finally, revoke our permissions here.

If you used either of our mobile apps, you'll need to delete it from your phone.

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