How to buy or upgrade your subscription
To purchase a subscription or upgrade your current subscription, you can either navigate directly to the Manage Page (and then skip to step 3), or follow the instructions below to get there from your Outlook desktop client:
Click on the Open Boomerang button in the ribbon.

Click on Manage in the task pane.

On the left side, click on Account.

From the Account Page, click on Update (if you already have a subscription) or Upgrade (if you are currently on our Basic/free plan).

Click on Upgrade under the desired plan type.

If you had a subscription already, your plan will immediately be upgraded to the desired plan. Any remaining credit from your previous plan will be applied to the upgraded plan, so you'll only be charged for the remaining balance.
If you did not have a subscription before, you'll be prompted to enter your billing information, and select your billing frequency (monthly, or annually).